Julian Macfarlane
2 min readOct 30, 2020


If you live in a Western “democracy” you probably think you are free.

That delusion means you are a slave. More of a slave than the black Africans brought to the Americas in chains.

Chains chafe. They can be broken. They are a constant reminder of status, that the slave is not entitled to think of himself or herself as human but as thing. Slaves can revolt. Can free themselves.

But a chained mind cannot be easily freed because you yourself made those chains and refuse to see them. You yourself sold your soul to the slaver.

Slavery of the mind is achieved through our total acquiescence to the conditions of servitude. You don’t need an overseer to whip you — you do that yourself. If you think yourself free when you are not, you can never escape.

Western “democracy” is a pernicious illusion that perpetuates this slavery, offering choice where this none, freedom where there is only unconscious compulsion. It is reinforced by nationalism.

Oh, but I am an American you say. I love my country. I belong here.

A nation is not not a person, rather it is a huge latterday plantation run by owners, who don’t even live there.

Patriotic love is a perversion and further testimony to your madness.

Yes, you “belong”. but only in the sense that you are a belonging.


We evolved as immediate return hunters and gatherers, endlessly juvenescent living in small groups held together by trust and cooperation. We=Me. Me=We.

But these societies were egalitarian and no person was allowed to dominate another. The worst sin was hoarding.

But things changed.

Nowadays, we envy the Rich, who hoard wealth and resources. Why”

Extreme environmental change in the Holocene led to agriculture and animal husbandry, the concept of property — and capitalism and slavery — first, tribal societies, then “states”.

But we are still childlike and trusting. Our ancestors sat around the campfire and told stories of gods and spirits, and we believed them. With the Holocene our spiritual nature was subverted by myths of Gods and Kings: today billionaires and Presidents.

The Western World does not have real democracies, in the sense that most people understand the word, for that would require informed publics who were willing to take the time to think about and debate issues. It would require a willingness to see reality.

We are, however, blind. The Media projects shadows of the world on the walls of our mental caves, just as in Plato’s republic.

No, we do NOT live in democracies. We live in mediacracies.




Julian Macfarlane
Julian Macfarlane

Written by Julian Macfarlane

Journalist media analyst, author. Publishes on evolution, psychology, anthropology, zoology, music, art, neurology., geopolitics,.

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