Are you stupid?
Sorry to say — but everyone is — some of the time — whatever their education or IQ.
IQ tests measure specific cognitive skills, relative to specific problems. You know, the square peg in the round whole thing.
If you are above 130, you are pretty smart. Not that a really, really high IQ means much. Einstein was only about 160. And the highest IQ ever recorded was (if I remember correctly) a bartender in some obscure American rural town, who never accomplished anything.
I don’t believe in IQ tests. The don’t tell us much about real-life ability.
What we really need however are SQ tests — Stupidity Quotient tests.
If you are above 130 on my SQ test which works by asking for solutions to political and social questions, you are pretty stupid, as to the important problems that matter to the rest of us.
An SQ higher than 130? A lot dumber.
And…if you also have a high IQ, you may have a higher SQ because, with some cognitive skills, you can hide your stupidity. Some of the dumbest people ever are Harvard professors, like Steven Pinker who wrote 9 stupid books which him quite rich from all the many stupid people who bought them.
On a national basis, I figure Americans have among the highest SQs in the world, because they have the world’s most fucked up society — ever. OK, OK…the Brits are pretty competitive in this field. As are Aussies. Maybe it’s genetic.
The US is clearly ahead of everybody.
Imagine a nation of 300 million people that for two centuries has been lost in delusion that they live in a democracy when the Founders of their Republic set up to be an oligarchy and a slave state. When chattel slavery fell out of favor, they moved quickly to…yup…wage slavery ? A republic with Liberty and Justice for All — all white rich people that is. The US has always been an “inverted authoritarian nation” that is arguably less free, less balanced than any in history. Move over Third Reich. We’ve killed a lot more people.
Freedom? Hahahaha. 4% of the world’s population; 25% or its prison population. America’s ideals are a joke. A tragic one.
In the 60s, the Boomers thought they could change things. “Don’t trust anyone over 30” they said. Good idea — until you become what you can’t trust. Of course, then you have an excuse. “Hey, not my fault — I’m 31!”
So the Boomers moved on to give us the feckless Jimmy Carter who talked liberal but supported dictators and mass murderers; then the the Reagan Revolution which was more of the same but worse, the CIA hack Bush the Elder ; Clinton, who became architect of the new racism and new poverty with his school to prison pipeline and welfare “reforms”. Bush the Younger: ‘nuff said there. War and death. Death and War. Then Barry, the most skillful presidential liar since Lincoln. More war and death and a worsening of the US’s problems. Finally, the Donald who proved that anyone can be President — if they are a billionaire.
From tragedy to farce.
But it didn’t have to be. Technically, Americans have choices.
Back in 2008, the Democrats could have run Dennis Kucinich, whose record indicates he would have actually implemented the change that Obama, the whitest black man ever, promised but reneged on.
After Barry the Liar, In 2016 and 2020, the Democrats could have made things right by nominating Bernie Sanders. Nope, first they chose the sociopathic war criminal Hillary who committed Crimes Against Humanity in her choice of pant suits. Then, they chose an ageing racist, serial sexist, groper of little girsl and warmonger, partnering Creepy Joe with an opportunistic almost-black woman who wants to throw black kids in jail for truancy.
.“We have no choice — it’s a two party system” people say. Oops, SQ: 160.
Sorry — the constitution does not mandate a two party system. And, in reality, there are always other choices. Add to that the simple fact that it is not really a two party system when both parties have similar policies and represent the same 1000 rich people.
In 2016, the Green Party had all the right ideas — ‘right’ if you believe in Medicare For All, demilitarization, economic recovery, fair taxation, racial justice, and, of course, a REAL “Green New deal”. Yet the Green Party got just 3 percent of the vote.
So Americans had a choice. But they were too stupid to take advantage of the vestigial democracy permitted them by their owners.They could have least made their feelings known through the electoral process, which might have had some effect.
People do indeed get the governments they deserve. They don’t have to — and that acquiescence means a high SQ. With climate change, pandemic diseases, and predatory capitalism, stupidity will be fatal for a lot of people.
“Don’t trust anyone over 30”. Do you think your kids will live that long?
But people are so stupid; they will find stupid leaders. People are so unintelligent that they will be ready to fall into the trap of anybody who can pretend to lead them.
Osho, The Guest, Ch 9, Q 4