Canada is Mini-Me To Dr. Evil (revised)
Canada is Mini-Me to America.
It faithfully supports American policy, contributing to war crimes,atrocities, and millions of deaths — and has done so for years.
Yes, Canada is a war criminal. And both Justin and Freeland should be in the dock in the Hague. Along with Bill and George and Barry and Hillary and Donald.
Iraq, Afghanistan, the Ukraine, the Yemen, Syria, Libya — the Canucks did their bit. Add to that: Latin America — Haiti, the hybrid wars on Venezuela and Nicaragua. The Bolivian coup. Brazil’s fascist takeover. Honduras. And more….
America is killing itself — as Rome did. But Canada, like Roman Gaul, will probably fall first.
That said, Americans and the British minions, who are in some ways more American than the Yanks, are often under the illusion that Canada is better just as Gaul was a better place to live than Rome before the Barbarians came, just not the Center of the World.
Sorry, Canada isn’t better than the US. Just slightly more livable.
Here is Umair Hague. He lives in London the capital of NeoLiberal Madness, where there are no Yanks but a lot of Wanks. In his otherwise great article he writes:
When you look at America, what do you see? What kind of economy would a nation of idiots build? Well, because they’re only concerned with private advantage and gain, consumption would be disproportionately high — and investment would be comparatively low. That’s America, by the way: it has the highest rate of consumption to GDP in the world, by a very long way. Hence, when the world looks at Americans, it sees fat, lazy, spoiled people. Is it right? (By the way, as someone who’s gained plenty during lockdown, I’m not “fat-shaming”: I just mean people whose appetites are insatiable, who overconsume.).
By way of contrast, in Europe and Canada, just about half the economy is consumption. The other half? It’s public investment. In schools, hospitals, high-speed trains, healthcare, retirement, and so forth. But that is precisely because consumption is lower, and investment is higher — the mindset of the Idiot didn’t triumph.
These two trajectories represent different…everythings. In Europe and Canada, the idea of getting filthy rich is still frowned upon. In America, it’s celebrated. In Europe and Canada, the idea of making kids pretend to die just so that fools could carry guns to Starbucks is met with horrified laughter.
Canada does not invest in things like high speed trains and has been slow to develop mass transport systems, in general. If you don’t drive, you’re screwed! The country’s infrastructure is as old as the US’s. Yes, we do have public healthcare — but it hasn’t changed much in 40 years and does not include pharmacare or dental care as in many countries. There is a social welfare net which is superior to that in the US but hardly on a par with many other countries. Schools are cheaper because of a tradition of high quality public education, rather than private. It’s treatment of “First Nations” people is a disgrace. Nursing Homes are death sentences.
An ever so slightly better social services approach reduces costs overall — which means the middle class has more money to spend — which increases rather than reduces consumption. Canucks are really into consumerism.
Canada’s expenditures on it s military forces is small. That helps the budget too so we can buy more gadgets we don’t need. Canada has no natural enemies — except ironically the US, which has invaded it three times.
As to “horror at the idea of being filthy rich.” Nope. Canadians are really into money. We are just as greedy as the Yanks and Wanks. Please, please make me filthy rich. As for guns, we have just as many as the Americans.
So, Canada really is America Lite.
Whither thou goest, I will go. Canada follows. America’s bitch.
A good example is the recent judgement on the Meng extradition by Heather Holmes, of the BC Supreme Court, an appointee of the previous not-too savory Liberal BC regime. She has been criticized for an unpleasant background and accusations made of illegal activity .
Her Meng decision doesn’t pass the smell test. It’s rotting beaver meat and what you would expect from a Liberal appointee — perfectly in sync with Canada’s regressive, vassal-state foreign policy.
In essence, she argued that, while Meng’s alleged fraud could only be understood as fraud in the context of nominally illegal (by international standards) sanctions, they were still fraud, even though that context did not exist in Canada. Along with the fact that Meng therefore could not have been charged with fraud in Canada, which had no sanctions in place, her decision also seems to conflict with the presumption of innocence. Her judgment implied that Meng was extraditable because she had in fact committed a crime.
Rather obtusely, Holmes justified her reasoning in terms of “Canadian values” with an absurd comparison. Meng’s fraud and…ummm… slavery. Slavery is an obvious evil, she said. Fraud is too.
Except fraud is a very wide concept, including misrepresentation and the like, with many shades of grey, especially in this case. “Fraud”? A “workaround” such as all big companies do? “Strategy”? Fraud is not like slavery, which (by the way) Canada helped to reintroduce in Libya by supporting the overthrow of Qaddafi.
This is political lawfare.
It will provoke retaliation from China — AS IT SHOULD!
Sorry, Canada, what goes round, comes round. Don’t complain when you get hurt down the road.
China is rebounding from COVID 19, with huge investments in infrastructure , moving on. It is the future. America has already lost the economic game. It is the past.
And Canada will suffer economically, cut out of the Chinese market. Like the US, it depends on China for most of its medicines — for a lot of things such as rare earths for technology products. The Chinese will be quick to arrest Canadians doing anything out of line under THEIR law. They have already done so. And now they will be even less tolerant. Why not?
So, Canucky CEOs and CFOs — stay at home. This is a Cold War, but one that the US and its northern vassal cannot win this time.
Dr Evil, the US of A will go down. And so will Mini-Me