How do I hate thee….Donald?
Donald Trump….
How do I hate thee? Let me count the ways.
First, your hair. It used to be a nasty orange that matched the fake tan. A “manly” bouffant? Is there such a thing? Even George W had better fashion sense than that! Visually, you are an Offense to Nature.
Then…your Inner Yahoo. Which is expressed in your appeals to the worst prejudices of the Right-wing, mostly white, male mobocracy. Like most people with little, these people fear someone taking what they have. Well, OK, maybe what they don’t have — but would like to have. They fear illegal immigrants stealing the women they covet but mostly don’t have. Or Muslims stealing the bibles they stole from cheap hotel rooms and never read. Or Liberal Looters stealing their TVs. Which is silly — because Liberal Looter don’t steal TVs. They just steal billions from the public sector and buy anything they want.
Ok, so I hate you for your vulgarity.
I also hate you for being super rich, for not having actually worked a day in your life. Why couldn’t that have been ME!
Don’t really want to go into Envy too much. So let’s move on to your refusal to read. Could you pass an entrance test into Junior High? I doubt it. Yeah, I know, George W was dumber. But I suppose on the plus side, your refusal to read, makes you less brainwashed than the Liberals who parse the NYT and WaPo as evangelicals do the Bible and read a lot while understanding nothing.
Another thing . Your fat ass. That’s just disgusting.
Now, your friends. Need I mention Jeffrey and Adelson? You used to be a Democrat and your BFFs were the Clintons. Being buddy-roo with Hillary, a real, certified War Criminal and sociopath? This lack of judgment is evident in your choice of advisors. Who in their right mind would have chose John Bolton, another war criminal and big time liar.?
Next on the list, you are a bully and a coward. The coward part is, I guess, a plus because at least you haven’t started a major war and it means your attempts at bullying never work out.
Finally — entitlement. You really believe that the 0.01% should own everything and everybody else can go to hell. A sort of neo-Calvinist atavism. L’etat, c’est moi? Le monde, c’est moi.
This is just a partial list. Others can add to it.
So let me just skip to the most important part. I hate you most of all because you are us — all of us. You are the worst in me, or the worst I could imagine in me.
Conversely …we are all you.
People hate you for showing them what they really are. You are obscene magic mirror. I hate looking in the mirror, first thing in the morning. So I don’t look. But I see your face in
Yeah, right down to the fake tan, fat ass, Stormy, and the tweets. Each of us has our equivalent.
The Inner Yahoo? Each of us has our own mob. Each of us fears being robbed by ill-defined “others” . If you are white, it’s the blacks. If you are black , it’s the non-blacks. If you’re a woman, it’s men. If you are a man, its’ women. Our “identities” put us in conflict and instill fear. In fact, “identitarianism” IS fear because it emphasizes difference and conflict rather than what we share. Tribalism is not community. Alienation is fear and hate.
Sharing is caring. Caring is sharing.
Most of us are not rich. And too often we try not to work. Studies show that out of a 40 hour work week, the average real work is about 12 hours.
Those who would climb upwards, usually have to climb over people, kicking them in the face as they ascend. You were never in that situation.
The refusal to read? Most of us are not any better educated than you. We read headlines, tweets, we accept whatever the Mass Media tell us. We accept their lies, not matter how often they lie. We call your constant tweets and contradictions “lies” rather than what they really are — ignorance. Because deep down we are just as inconsistent. It is not really whether we read or not — it is what we read — and what we understanding.
Fat? There is physical fat. And there is mental fat. It all comes down to sloth and gluttony. Pizza, beer, Netflix. Pornhub. A new TV. A new car. The Seven Deadly Sins afflict us all.
Bad taste in friends? Our problem is we mostly don’t have friends, just have a few thousand pseudo friends on Instagram and Facebook. Who do you really know? Who will back you in a street fight? We are lucky if we have two or three people who actually understand us. We look at you and you remind us of what we lack.
Bullying? We accept that in schools, company life and the like. It’s natural people say. It’s “survival of the fittest”, which is what the Donald thinks.
But when we all jump on the Hate Trump bandwagon, emailing Trump jokes and cartoons and pretending that he is the Disease and not just a symptom of our societal illness, we are bullies too.
Just like in elementary school when the kids all focused on one kid who was “other”, one person’s irrational dislike and our need for power, expressing in the mindlessness of the mob and its safety. Bullying always turns on group identity and membership and status — or lack of it. Trumpophobia does what should be impossible: it turns Trump into a victim!
Cowardice? We call it “going with the flow”. Or Voting Democratic. The System that we accept depends on bullying and cowardice. And we depend on the System. Cowardice is refusal to look at our society and make ethical choices. It comes with a lack of shame. The next time you stand for the national anthem, remember the millions of innocent people your country has murdered. As a citizen, you are complicit.
Entitlement . Each of us wants to feel better than somebody, just as Poor Whites in the South in the 20s needed to hang a few pregnant black women from trees to prove they were better. Again, its about “identity” — alienation, anomie.
Today, we try to get our kids into “good” colleges with degrees in fake subjects like economics and political scientist, which will certify their conformity with the system and their superiority to people who can really think. We don’t care if they can think or really learn. We care about their social status. How are we better than Trump?
So, I hate you Donald Trump. Because you are me.