I miss you, Donald
I miss you, Donald!
I called you “the Blowback President” because whatever you did, it seemed to blowback in ways that hurt the US of A and the policies and intents that had been nurtured by successive presidents since WWII.
Your failures were not really your own since they were really iterations of the past — but they were obvious and stupid. Reviled as a liar; you were simply not as good at managing deception as other Presidents such as Obama.
In fact, you weren’t good at much. But you were very, very WYSIWYG.
You did not “drain the Swamp”, which was more like a cesspool kept in the back of the house, created by previous owners, too cheap to connect to a public sewage system. In the US of A, nobody wants to look — in the backyard. Nobody wants to deal with the mess. And when they are forced to look at it. Well…. yuch. Blame the neighbors — the Russians or the Chinese.
Of course, Trump was an idiot, a proto-fascist and a walking, talking fart joke. Comedians everywhere mourn his passing from the scene.
It wasn’t so much that the Emperor had no clothes — it was the Empire itself. Which means Americans everywhere, were stark naked and revealed. Much of the ridicule directed at Trump was deflection. As was the anger and the hate.
Consider that the USA — an amoral, psychopathic and insane pseudo-democracy — an inverted totalitarian state run by the Few for the Few — with no principles other than Greed — claims to be the beacon of democracy and liberty and hope.
73% of Chinese rate their government as democratic insofar as it represents a diversity of interests. Only 48% of Americans think their system is democratic. Ultimately, the fault lies with the American people, not their “leaders”.
Now we have Joe Biden. Joe looks pretty good for his age. He looks like a nice, older man, the kind of guy you wouldn’t mind babysitting the kids. Not that I would leave him alone with any young teeny girls, given his wandering hands.
Joe has been around for years. He hardly seems to have aged. Is it his plastic surgeon — or something more malevolent? Is there a painting in his attic that shows the real Joe with all his sins written in the decrepitude of his face.
Look at his record and you see — to use his own words — a “killer”. Yes, he opposed a few of America’s many genocidal 20th Century wars briefly — only to become an enthusiastic supporter. He was — is — the ultimate political opportunist — a hypocrite without principles. Trump could plead stupidity — he simply didn’t’ know what he was doing. Biden had — has — no such excuse.
“Liberals” — aka registered Democrats — those who pray to a Pantheon that includes Gods like Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates, were enraged looking at Trump because when they did, they saw themselves.
Trump has taught “America” — that political sludgepot in the middle of the continent that thinks it is the whole thing — that the Devil is not in Hell, or in Moscow or the White House — he is in your heart.
Americanism, as I have written elsewhere, is a kind of religion, worth an hour or two, listening to platitudes on the Holy Day while nursing lustful thoughts about girls or guys in the choir. Trump was the Anti-Christ. He blasphemed against the Holy Scriptures, which are daily revealed in the NYT, WaPo and their ilk. He desecrated the alter of Equality. Worst of all he insulted the Temple of Woke.
“Woke” — that’s when you are still half asleep, confusing dreams and reality. You need to get up and have a couple of cups of coffee. You need to be Awake, not “woke”.