The Sickness of the Democratic Party

Hatred, Delusion, Denial

Julian Macfarlane
4 min readApr 9, 2020

In the United States, “hate” is a reflexive belief system which echoes the old Puritan belief that Good chooses those who will go to heaven before birth while condemning the rest of mankind to hell Some are Good. Others are just Bad .Like Donald Trump, for Democrats.

I don’t care for Donald Trump. After all, I am little to the Left of Fidel Castro. Trump is an ignorant bloviator, full of self important bluster. But I don’t hat him. Nor do I think he is wrong about everything. In fact, we are lucky we didn’t get Hillary, which would no doubt resulted in a real shooting war.

But Democrats have a visceral loathing for the Donald, a revulsion like stepping on dog shit.

They, however, feel that they were cheated in the last election when Hillary won the popular vote but Trump became President through the electoral college. Not that they feel badly enough to support constitutional change.

As a result, they come up with absurd accusations.

The “Good” are supposed to win; the Bad, to lose — unless of course Satan is at work perverting God’s Will.

Ergo: “The Russians did it”. Democrats blame Putin and Julian Assange.

Now, the only person who was really cheated was Bernie Sanders — and that was by the DNC. There is no evidence whatsoever that Putin made any attempt to swing the election .And Julian Assange should get a medal, rather than torture and slow execution by American’s British thugs. If Jesus Christ Himself had criticized the Hillary, the DNC would have first with a cross, a hammer and nails.

After Russiagate, came Ukrainegate, which mostly revealed the corruption or at least incompetence of Creepy Joe Biden, a serial Groper.

Suddenly Coronavirus enters the picture. . Coronagate?

Trump’s positions are aligned with those of the Republican party, which favor business over people. But this is little different from the positions of the Democratic Party, which has rejected Bernie Sander’s pragmatic solutions.

If Trump had been Obama his PR team would have worked out a consistent policy, which would have given the impression he was on the side of ordinary people when the benefits would have mostly gone to Wall Street. There would be some temporary fixes to help ordinary people — as, in fact, there are now. But nothing substantial. And people would still die unnecessarily.

The main difference is that an Obama has a better image. He would offer comforting words to the dying but they would still die.

Trump has come out in favor of the French virologist Didier’s study about the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and azithromycin a drug combination among the 80 or so being studied in China also.

This has invited catcalls from the press. It’s “unproven”. Of course it is . All CoVID19 treatments are experimental. That means there is no “proof it works. Also no proof it doesn‘t. Yes, and all drugs can be dangerous. Even good old aspirin which was responsible for a huge number of fatalities during the Spanish (American Chicken) flu’ of 1918,

HCQ is, however, high on the list of possibly effective treatments.

“It’s dangerous” say some, including the rabidly anti-Trump Bloomberg News and Newsweek. Nope, not particularly. HCQ is only dangerous if used long-term and especially if you have heart difficulties. But in the case of a viral infection such a treatment is designed to be used very short-term and is only likely to be effective for a short window of time, as with most viral infections. If you have Shingles, for example, antivirals can help — but only in the initial two days before the virus takes hold.

Hatred is ultimately a lot more dangerous. And not easily cured. That’s because its mechanism is delusion, a highly contagious virus.

Trump and his supporters are wrong, wrong, wrong. But the Democratic party and its supporters are delusional —an almost religious hatred of Trump rather than concern for their country or the common good.

The effects of viral hatred go deep and have degraded whatever little democracy there was in the US of A, not that there was much to begin with.

As the country descends into madness, the rest of the world must isolate themselves. Nothing will change much until a lot of people start dying and the country either breaks down into its component parts — or gets a new constitution. The US needs to do what Venezuela did and convene a Constitutional Assembly to write a new — and democratic constitution — to replace its 18th Century boondoggle. That, unfortunately is unlikely to happen.



Julian Macfarlane
Julian Macfarlane

Written by Julian Macfarlane

Journalist media analyst, author. Publishes on evolution, psychology, anthropology, zoology, music, art, neurology., geopolitics,.

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