WARNING! One Nation On the Park Bench

Julian Macfarlane
8 min readJul 16, 2022


The following article may be offensive to some people of Faith. I beg for your understanding, if not forgiveness.

I believe that spirituality is the core of our humanity and I read the Gospels and the Holy Qur'an as guidance. I do not oppose “religion” as such — just religions as social institutions. Faith is the water which sustains our soul. Many religions just sell soft drinks — or whisky — to sustain your appetites.

What I criticize in this article is the hypocrisy of politicians and many others who wear their faith in God, along with their hearts, on their sleeves. These people make a mockery of the many who sincerely search for meaning in the words and lives of Jesus, the Blessed Prophet, Buddha and other spiritual messengers.

“Whoever kills an innocent person it is as if he has killed all of humanity.”
— Quran 5:32

What does that say about Americans? Do they have any humanity left?

Neoliberal capitalism, inequality, war, poverty, destruction of nature — all these things are blasphemy.

A Penny For the Old Guy

Sitting on a park bench
Eying little girls with bad intent
Snot running down his nose
Greasy fingers smearing shabby clothes, hey, Aqualung

Aqualung. Jethro Tull

Have you noticed there are NO atheist politicians?

The true constituency of both Dems and Republicans is in in Heaven, — not on Earth — at least not on the Earth you know. Make no mistake — you can’ afford to live in their world.

The political vermin that infest the rotting carcass we call government all claim to be godly, as in “We could go to church”. They act as if they had the Old Wanker in the Sky on the Hotline. But He isn’t there and they don’t talk to Him. He’s not someone important — like their Broker.

Roe vs Wade is really just a messy legal thing — producing legal constipation. For politicians and a lot of Americans — that adds up to religious fecal impact, in simple terms — God shit — assuming God has an anus, which he definitely since does the pictures show he has a dick.

He made us in His image, right?

Stuff like this is literally manna from heaven for the Media, better than Desperate Housewives. And it’s great for cocktail parties, where you can display your cherry on a toothpick and look smart.

Do sperm have souls? When you wank are you committing genocide? And if you take the Plan B pill so the fertilized ovum cannot attach to the placenta and it dies, are you killing a soul?

Are we murdering babies? Are we murdering Moms?

Have another canape.

Chardonnay Liberals and Bourbon-swilling Republicans naturally don’t care about the millions of babies and moms who are dying in the Yemen or in Afghanistan. They prefer to not to think about such things. After all, they caused them.

And God? He doesn’t seem to have an opinion. Maybe because he caused everything. Or, nothing.

Roe vs Wade however stimulates the imagination.

If, for example, Mary had had an abortion after her celestial rape, there would be no Christianity. But they didn’t have healthcare in those days. Wait! We still don’t. Anyway, it Mary had had Choice, would that have changed things for the better? Or the worse?

As for Jesus, the Dude didn’t talk much about sex. He just said “love one another” and hung out with prostitutes and defended women accused of adultery.

Despite the circumstances of his birth, the Nazarene didn’t say anything about condoms or the pill or the importance of blowjobs — which he should have known about because he was God and God created those things too, if you believe the Church-line of God as the Creator of Everything.

AND — there were rumors, best expressed in Nikos Kazantzakis’s Last Temptation of Christ, which was “cancelled” by the Church just as it has done with about 30 Gospels including the Gospel of Magdalene. Was the Big J a Swinger? Nikos thinks so. Bonking not one but TWO Mary’s.

Blessed are the BJs

Let us keep in mind that the American God has many faces — Evangelical, Catholic, Jewish, Islamic. And with “woke” there are questions about God’s gender and sexual preference and all that. Maybe God was a Woman. Maybe He/She was Gay. Or Queer. Or Black. Or Jewish.

Maybe God isn’t even Good? Maybe he’s Evil. Maybe he started God, but went bad. We all saw Breaking Bad.

Certainly, if we look at the record, as recorded in the NYT’s progenitor, the Bible, God’s morality is really iffy — sort of in between. The Flood. All those slaughters in the Middle East. Everybody fucking everybody.

God, Christian? Really? Didn’t seem to care much about his Son after he knocked up Mary.

Why hath thou forsaken, me?

Poor Jesus, his torment was eventually put to an end by a pagan soldier who took pity on him.

However, no matter who you think He (or She) is, or what, God is, the Creator clearly not around much. Or, if He (or She) is still here–the First Mover — moved. He’s (She’s) homeless. God was evicted long ago to make room for gentrified developments and Consumerism and the like.

Just remember to drop a dollar bill in the hat of the next homeless person you see begging on the street. It might be the Almighty.

And that Jesus guy? Who everybody obsesses about because all the images are from Central casting.

For Republicans he’s a Fuckin’ Socialist. For Democrats, a Fuckin’ whistleblower. “See what happens to ya’ if you come back!’ As we saw in the Julian Assange case, truth telling and doing good gets you in Big Trouble on either side of the aisle. Oh, sorry, Congress is not a parliament. No aisle. Better say, “on either side of the Circle Jerk”.

Old Style Religion is sooo confusing. Just like the New Style.

Or New Styles plural:

Woke, Consumerism, Capitalism, Americanism: there is a long list — all worse.

With Yahweh on the Park Bench, the US of A is One Nation under a whole pantheon of gods, and their prophets are , Elon, Jeff, and Bill. There is Hell or Hades, the Underworld, too. It’s called Poverty.

Thankfully, we have the Roe vs Wade “abortion issue” — handing abortion back to the States — political LSD. Something to get high on. It takes us back to our roots.

The Democrats, facing the prospect of losing their congressional majorities, have been rubbing their sticky little masturbatory fingers with glee at the mostly Catholic Supreme Court Decision. Fuck the Pope.

As he was being kicked out on the streets, God gave Biden’s Geriatocracy a Gift.

The Democratic Party God, that is. To paraphrase Leonard Cohen, “an ape with angel glands / to erase the final wisps of pain / with the music of rubber bands.”

Keep in mind that God is all things to all Americans. For the Democrats, an old guy with a facelift who forgets things — just like Joe — with a touch of sadism like Hillalry. For Republicans, he’s the Donald. He says shit you can’t understand — and don’t really want to — and mostly ignore.

Liberals, aka “the Left Ball” of the American ball sack do not care about ordinary women, who must pay for all eternity for that Apple thing — and don’t have balls anyway, which accounts of them not really being into War.. Well, most of them fall to the Left side of the Apple Tree. There are exceptions.

Nancy Pelosi is reportedly a woman despite having big hairy balls just like Hillary’s. Still she is an Honorary Woman, or House Male (like a “House Negro in the times of Slavery.) Still, a woman has to pay for Original Sin — but like most of Congress (and Hillary) she’s a millionaire. So she can afford it.

The Dems and Republicans in Congress are mostly rich. “Human rights” is a PR slogan for the Poor who don’t have any rights and never did. As for “democracy”, the US never had one. Congress people don’t sweat about such things. In politics, you leave your vagina at the door.

Members of Congress need not worry about money — but do worry about their jobs, or rather the privilege and the power conferred by their position.

The “self-made” among our political hacks care most of all.

Don’t trust the ones who say they understand you because they came from the same place as you — because to rise, they left you behind and never looked to back to help.

Would AOC go back to bartending?

Go back to living pay check to pay to check?

Her present salary is $174,000. It is not clear what her net worth is but her partner Riley Robert’s network has been estimated between $1~4.5 million. She is doing all right. She’s a poster girl — but what for? Nancy Pelosi redux?

But SCOTUS hath spoken. Roe vs Wade will go to the States.

Executive orders ensure some degree of availability of abortion and contraception, even where States restrict it. What exactly is going to change?

Both Dems and Republicans say they want “change you can believe in” — which of course means the status quo. Same old, same old. No big deal. A tale full of sound and fury told by an Idiot, as my old friend Bill wrote. Change for both parties is spare change for that old homeless guy. It doesn’t buy anything.

Roe vs Wade is not about morality or human rights.

Abortion is a medical procedure and as a constitutional issue, the national version of crotch rot. Itchy. But nobody does anything until it bleeds and your partner stops having sex with you. SCOTUS? Or SCROTUS? Remedies of any kind are just a ointments that don’t work and smell bad. Does

In practical terms, women will suffer as they always have, especially the poor. If only Eve hadn’t bought that apple. Yes, bought it. Satan was the first capitalist. Before he started Amazon.

In the end, the voters don’t really care — what matters to them is only a what affects them here and now. And they increasingly don’t go to church. Walmarts it their House of Worship.

What percentage of Americans need an abortion at this very moment?

The things that matter to voters are money, their kids, and the illusion that the world is OK and global disaster is not just a few years away — and the aforementioned crotch rot — the real kind. The Bible has been replaced by Netflix.

All politics IS local. Because everything is local. Stuff you can reach out and touch or which might touch you.

Real local is the money in your pockets, next to your dick or vagina.

Roe vs Wade?

God only knows. And He/She/ and in the Age of AI, It doesn’t fuckin’ care.

As I said, drop a dollar in the Old Guy’s hat. It might be HIM! More likely it is YOU tomorrow.



Julian Macfarlane
Julian Macfarlane

Written by Julian Macfarlane

Journalist media analyst, author. Publishes on evolution, psychology, anthropology, zoology, music, art, neurology., geopolitics,.

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